Success of WLS Depends Upon Changes in Lifestyle

Weight loss surgery is not the immediate solution to your obese body; it is a continuing process to lose weight by bringing changes in your lifestyle. To have long-term success and maintain a healthy body, you need to prepare yourself to make several lifestyle changes. Before considering weight loss surgery, you need to have a complete understanding and acceptance of the changes you will face.

Managing life after weight loss surgery requires significant lifestyle changes and modifications in daily habits. Weight loss surgery offers several benefits for the morbidly obese patients, who can no longer lose weight with drugs, diet changes and exercises. Still, even the most successful procedure demands an effective weight maintenance strategy after surgery to keep the patient in great shape and work towards a healthier lifestyle.

Significant weight loss will follow if a patient follows the recommended dietary, exercise and lifestyle guidelines set by your bariatric surgeon, nutritionist, therapist and other bariatric support staff.

Changing your eating habits and staying motivated will create not only amazing results, but also a healthier life that you will able to enjoy for many years to come.
Before surgery, you should prepare yourself for the steps you will need to take after you get the weight loss surgery done.

1. Diet-WLS involves significant modifications to your gastrointestinal tract. The patient needs to make changes to the diet after undergoing weight loss surgery. After either gastric banding or gastric bypass surgery, you will only be able to eat few bites in each meal. In order to ensure good nutrition and health, you must pay close attention to the types of food you eat. Foods that are well tolerated before surgery may cause discomfort afterwards. Take small bites, chew your food well and eat slowly, take a few minutes gap between each bite.

Changing one’s eating habits is the most important lifestyle change. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits and drinking plenty of water can also make you feel fuller. Eat a balanced diet that is low in fat and high in protein. Protein is important for healing directly after surgery and also during weight loss in order to build tissues in your body.

It is important to set realistic goals that are specific and achievable. Regularly record what you do in your weight-loss program such as daily calorie intake and amount of physical exercise. Keeping track on your progress can also help you stay motivated.

2. Follow-up after surgery-This is a very important part of the success of the surgery. Regular follow-up visits must be maintained to prevent complications and achieve optimum weight loss. Depending on your diet after surgery, you may have nutritional deficiencies over the years. Therefore, you are required to get check-ups done periodically.

3. Exercise- After surgery, it is vital to adhere strictly to the proper dietary and exercise guidelines. Exercise is an essential component in your weight loss program. Patients often need 2 to 3 weeks of healing, rest and recovery before any type of formal exercise, but light walking is recommended after discharge from the hospital.

4. Stress management- Managing stress, emotions and anxiety without turning to food can be a challenge for any individual after surgery. Working with a therapist to tackle difficult emotional issues can make weight loss surgery more rewarding and help to lead a healthy lifestyle for a long-term.

5. Support groups- Participation in post-operative support groups can be beneficial for patients. Support groups provide patients an opportunity to discuss personal and professional issues.

After a weight loss surgery one need to take care of many things like making lifestyle changes that you have to stick to for the rest of your life. If not, then the entire procedure can reverse itself and the weight will come back.

Fast food restaurants

There have been several strong arguments about the health risk of regularly eating these foods.
Moderation is definitely the key when it comes to fast prepared foods. Do not limit yourself from enjoying different foods; just understand that moderation will limit the bad stuff going into your body. Generally, most chains have a few healthy alternatives to that big greasy burger. Making that healthy choice can be difficult, especially compared to some of the tasty Trans fats out there. Prepare yourself ahead of time, knowledge is power with food. Look at the websites that show the information about these meals.

Very few of these restaurants specialize in healthy foods. Those that do are very good at advertising that fact. That does not mean you can’t be healthier when not choosing those healthy restaurants. You can start by paying attention to the details on the menu. Items with more veggies and leaner meats are always going to be healthier than those cream based sauces. Drinking water is another way to reduce your caloric intake. One large soda can pack up to 400 calories. Water or unsweetened tea allows you to take in more nutritional calories.

Those are some good things to do, but what about what not to do? Do you want to supersize that? It is only fifty cents, but how many calories? Salt is a major contributor to high blood pressure, and most fast food restaurants pack on the salt. Do not add more to your meal. Also, as tempting as it is, skip out on the bacon. Bacon is full of flavor, fat and calories, try using lettuce, tomato or mustard for an added flavor.

Just because you go out to eat does not mean you have to give up your healthy lifestyle. Just be mindful of what you are putting into your body. Make sure you only eat it once in a while. Moderation and knowledge are the keys to eating healthy, even in the fast food industry. Skip out on those chili cheese fries, a salad is a better alternative. Keep your mind on the goal, and you can do anything.

Garcinia Cambogia – How Suppress of Appetite lead to weight loss

We find more than half of the population are the people suffering from obesity and their search for weight loss supplements doesn’t end. When they start consuming one of them they have doubts about its originality and effect.

Garcinia Cambogia is certainly a product that people must know; its extract HCA hydroxycitric acid is useful as a supplement in weight reduction. Garcinia Cambogia is a natural nutritional supplement. Though Garcinia Cambogia extract side effects are not clear and some of the benefits have been mentioned below to justify it is safe for consumption.


Normally when people intake food it is processed in the gastrointestinal area. The food is broken down and absorbed as food molecules by the body. These food molecules to some extent used by the body as energy sources and any excess are stored in the tissues for future use.

In case of people who take plenty of food and do the least exercises not using the energy absorbed then most of the food is stored in the body as said earlier this will cause to deposition of food in unwanted areas leading to obesity.

Garcinia Cambogia extract HCA has the quality to suppress the appetite there by people who consume this product will eat less, thereby the food molecules are absorbed less in number and are converted into energy, so very less quantity of food molecules are stored hence the weight is reduced.

This garcinia cambogia increases the production of serotonin components that are released from the brain which help in reducing the appetite. As a result, problem for increasing weight has also declined. These products are beneficial because the extract is from the fruit which is a natural nutritional supplement and is safe; many physicians have conducted many experiments to prove the results. However, the debate about Garcinia Cambogia extract side effects is still on. Some still believe that this product is beneficial in not just weight loss but is helpful as a mood enhancer and other benefits.