Is Apple Music Worth It? A Free Trial User’s Perspective

I’ve been an Apple user for many years. I’ve had an iPod, iPhone, iPad, and MacBook. I was excited when they announced the release of Apple Music. I signed up for the free trial as soon as it was available. I wanted to try it out and see if it was worth the $9.99/month price tag.

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The first thing I noticed was the design. The interface is clean and sleek. It’s easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for. I like that you can see what’s new and trending.

One of the best features is the For You section. This is where you can find new music based on the genres and artists you like. I’ve discovered some great new music this way.

The downside is that not all artists are available on Apple Music. For example, Taylor Swift pulled her entire catalog from Spotify, so you can’t find her music there.

I’ve been using Apple Music for a few months now and I think it’s definitely worth the price. The $9.99/month subscription gives you access to millions of songs, ad-free listening, and offline playback. If you’re an Apple user, I think it’s worth signing up for the free trial to see if you like it.

I had been an avid Spotify user for years. I never really understood the appeal of Apple Music. Everyone I knew who used it said it was because they “just had to have all their music in one place.” But I never really got that. I mean, I had all my music in one place on Spotify. And I could access it from anywhere. So, when Apple Music launched, I was skeptical.

I finally decided to give it a try when they offered a free three-month trial. And you know what? I actually really liked it! Here are a few things that won me over:

The Interface

The first thing I noticed about Apple Music was the interface. It is so much cleaner and more user-friendly than Spotify. I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten lost in Spotify’s never-ending menus. With Apple Music, everything is right where I need it to be.

The For You Section

This is my favorite feature of Apple Music. The For You section is basically a personalized playlist of songs that Apple thinks I’ll like. And you know what? It’s usually right! I’ve discovered so many new artists and songs that I never would have found on Spotify.

The Connect Feature

Connect is a social media platform for artists and fans. I actually really like this feature. It’s a great way to connect with my favorite artists and see what they’re up to.

So, is Apple Music worth it? I would say yes! If you’re on the fence about whether or not to try it, I say go for it. You might be surprised, like I was, at how much you like it.