The 5 Best Words To Use On Your Resume

When it comes to your resume, words matter. The words you use can either help you land an interview or get your resume quickly relegated to the “no” pile.

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That’s why it’s important to choose your words carefully. You want to use words that will grab a hiring manager’s attention and give them a positive impression of you as a candidate.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the five best words to use on your resume. Use these words to describe your accomplishments, skills, and experience, and you’ll be sure to make a positive impression.


If you want to show that you’re a high achiever, use the word “accomplished.” This word conveys that you’ve achieved a lot, and it will make a hiring manager sit up and take notice.

Some other words you can use in place of “accomplished” include “successful,” “driven,” and “effective.”


When you use the word “improved,” you’re showing that you’re results-oriented. This is a great word to use if you’re in a position where you’re responsible for increasing sales, efficiency, or productivity.

Some other words you can use in place of “improved” include “increased,” “boosted,” and “raised.”


If you’ve been responsible for training others, this is a great word to use on your resume. The word “trained” shows that you have the ability to transfer your knowledge to others, which is a valuable skill in any workplace.

Some other words you can use in place of “trained” include “mentored,” “coached,” and “developed.”


If you’ve had any experience in management, this is a great word to use on your resume. The word “managed” shows that you have the ability to lead and oversee others, which is a valuable skill in any workplace.

Some other words you can use in place of “managed” include “led,” “supervised,” and “coordinated.”


If you’re in a customer-facing role, the word “resolved” is a great word to use on your resume. This word shows that you have the ability to deal with customer complaints and issues, which is a valuable skill in any customer service-related position.

Some other words you can use in place of “resolved” include “handled,” “addressed,” and “managed.”


These are just a few of the best words to use on your resume. Use these words to describe your accomplishments, skills, and experience, and you’ll be sure to make a positive impression.

What Is Corporate Social Responsibility And Why Should Businesses Care?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.

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Why should businesses care about CSR?

There are many reasons why businesses should care about CSR. Firstly, it can help businesses to be more sustainable and profitable in the long-term. Secondly, it can help businesses to build trust and reputation with stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors and the wider community. Thirdly, it can help businesses to attract and retain talent, and to create a motivating and inspiring workplace culture. Finally, CSR can help businesses to manage their environmental and social impacts, and to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

What are some examples of CSR?

There are many examples of CSR. Some businesses might choose to focus on reducing their environmental impact, for example by investing in renewable energy or switching to more sustainable packaging. Other businesses might focus on social impact, for example by supporting local charities or providing training and development opportunities for employees. Some businesses might choose to focus on both environmental and social impact, for example by investing in community projects or setting up employee volunteer programmes.

What are the benefits of CSR for businesses?

The benefits of CSR for businesses include increased sustainability and profitability, improved trust and reputation, more engaged and motivated employees, and a reduced environmental and social impact.

What are the challenges of CSR for businesses?

The challenges of CSR for businesses include the need to integrate CSR into business strategy, the need to engage and motivate employees, and the need to measure and report on CSR performance.

How can businesses get started with CSR?

There are many ways for businesses to get started with CSR. One way is to develop a CSR policy that sets out the business’s commitment to CSR. Another way is to implement CSR initiatives, such as environmental or social projects. Another way is to report on CSR performance, for example by publishing an annual report. Finally, businesses can join a CSR network or organisation, such as the Business in the Community or the Prince’s Responsible Business Network.

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